Mental Health




Mental health problems are common and affect 1 in 4 adults at some time in their life so if you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts or other issues, you’re not alone.


What can my GP do?

An annual review of the patient’s condition is recommended. An appointment is needed with the GP to review medication and physical health.


In a crisis?

If you or someone you are concerned about is in an emotional or mental health crisis that requires an urgent response then either:

  • Contact your GP and explain the problem
  • Phone NHS on 111
  • Call the Oxford Safe Haven – 01865 903037.  This line is open Friday-Monday 6pm-10pm.
  • Call the Samaritans – 116 123 (free) or text on 07725 909090. This line is open 24 hours a day.
  • Call Banbury Safe Haven - 01295 270004. This line is open Friday-Monday 6pm-10pm.
  • Call CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)  - 0800 585858. This line is open 5pm–midnight, 365 days a year.

Below is a list of further contact information for counselling and other resources:

  • Oxfordshire Mind 01865 247788: Making sure anyone with a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for advice and support.
  • Response 01865 397940: Enabling people to live their lives to the full.
  • Restore 01865 455821: They offer recovery groups, training and employment coaching.

TalkingSpace Plus

Provides free NHS psychological services in Oxfordshire. It helps patients struggling with their mental health using national guideline approved talking therapies.

This service does not need a GP referral, and can be accessed via an online referral form or telephone.


Group of Friends


Useful websites

  • NHS Mental Health and Wellbeing: NHS services available for mental health and advice
  • Headspace: Meditation and Mindfullness support
  • Give us a Shout:  Service accessed by text to support people 24/7 struggling with their mental health
  • Mind: Coronavirus and your wellbeing: For those struggling to maintain their mental wellbeing through the Coronavirus pandemic
  • Depression UK: Self help organisation that aims to support everyone affected by depression.
  • Bereavement Advice Centre:  Offers practical support to those affected by bereavement and advice for dealing with grief
  • Cruse: Specialist bereavement experts supporting people after the death of someone close
  • BEAT: provide specific information about eating disorders
  • ADDISS: The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service

Resources for parents and/or carers and under 18s