Oxford Community Diagnostic Centre




Cowley is now host to the recently developed Oxford Community Diagnostic Centre.

This is a site which can provide blood tests, ‘x-rays’, ultrasounds, CTs, MRIs, echocardiograms and more.

The Centre:

  • Will reduce waiting times 
  • Provide services nearer patient homes in a quieter location than the acute hospital sites
  • Has free parking!! 

There is a drop-in x-ray service (for people aged 18 and over) 

Once your GP has requested your x-ray (electronically so no paperwork to take) please attend the Centre between 8.30am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday. As this is a drop in service there is no need to book in advance but you do need your GP to request an x-ray or other test before you “drop in”.

Blood tests (for people aged 16 years and over)

Once your GP has given you your test forms please book an appointment

  1. Through the online booking system. You will need your NHS number from your request form.
  2. Alternatively you can call 01865 222652

If you need to reschedule or require the blood test within the next 3 days and none are available on the website you can also call 01865 222652.

Please remember to take your blood forms!


Oxford Community Diagnostic Centre
Perspectum Building
Gemini One
5520 John Smith Drive
OX4 2LL.

Please use the following map marking the entrance to the building. Pedestrians can access from nearby bus stops on Garsington Road and Barns Road.